
10-21 October, 2022

Malthouse Theatre

Three young people gather together in a theatre to talk about the big one: CLIMATE CHANGE. But before they can even agree on how big this big one is, a tsunami hits—and both they and the audience are dragged to the bottom of the ocean… 

Using Plato’s ancient myth of a sunken city as an anchor point, Atlantis is an allegory for Australia in its current stage of climate crisis and the search for lost systems of knowledge that might help us understand our relationship to the environment. Drawing on Indigenous and Pasifika philosophies and modes of storytelling, this fantastical play is ultimately about young people stepping into their power as future guardians of country. 

Writer - Chanella Macri

Director - Isabella Vadiveloo

Dramaturg - Mark Pritchard

Set and Costume Design - Karine Larché

Lighting design - Kit Cuneen

AV design - Isabella Vadiveloo and Karine Larché

Sound Design - Rex Pelman

Sound Mentor - Jethro Woodward


Kevin Hofbaur

Karl Richmond

Kira Samu